martedì 13 luglio 2010

Pre-Finale Geese Goodies - Part I

Prima parte della collection di meraviglie pre-finale dei nostri pennuti preferiti.
Fa troppo ridere leggere ste cose ora! grazie a Cinzia che si inoltra in luoghi che furono oscuri per trovare queste chicche!


-Poor darlings, I almost feel sorry for them, getting excited about anything except the actual show itself since on screen jate is basically a memory of the past

Aw,poor,poor... JATERS. WE have problems with the ACTUAL show XD

-Now.. seriously asking. What has Darlton ever said about Jate over the past 5 years? I mean, really said about them. Like the stuff they say about Skate.
-The Ultimate relationship,that's about it. And I think I remember Carlton saying something like "Obviously it's a relationship that we're very invested in."Which...WOW. What massive, comforting confirmation THAT must be of JIF!JIF!JIF! for the brainless wonders on the Couch.

-Darlton have NEVER said anything supportive of Jack and Kate's potential romantic relationship. Not that I can recall.

Apparently the only comment Darlton made about jate...was the ONLY one that MATTERED :-O

-It has always been jate vs Skate, well, only until I Do, then it was really just skate with some random jate thrown in. If those idiots really don't see where the story is going then we are just going to have even more to be pleased about when the finale airs!

Mh.....idiots who don't see where the story is going...interesting.

-Like I have said before, Jate fans are like the retarded cousin of Lost fandom

insults,insults, for my ears :P

After one of Evi's superjatey interviews:

-Evangeline Lilly is a retard. And I don't mean she does retarded things. I mean she's an actual retard.

Evviva! siamo tutti ritardati, pure Evi! Gli skaters : gli unici esseri dotati d'intelletto e lungimiranza. Solo loro hanno capito tutto....straLOL!

-Evi is an idiot, but it's clear that since she wasn't given direction to anything else, as of this interview she is still playing her scenes as if Jack is the love of her life.

-I already had my laugh at this but doesn't matter what her opion is, to me she's a moron who is not able to understand simple storylines.

Reeeally? guess who's the moron who's not able to understand simple storylines? *holds mirror in front of goose*

-I would not fucking buy any book from her, each chapter would probably be a completely different tone in comparison to the ending of the story, due to her lack of ability into seeing the big picture.

ROTFL!!! Oh no,you DIDN'T just mention the BIG PICTURE! lmaooo! don't worry,Evi will have 95% of the LOST fandom buying her book,she doesn't need your 5%.... ma poi,sai leggere? O.o

-Here's a little tip, Lilly. Don't get your information from a pie chart made by Franci.

Aw,I'm the one giving infos to Evi bitchessss!
Well,good that Franci was right then, uh? :D

-Something tells me 2010 is gonna be a good year!

sure!for jaters *nods*

-I KNOW RIGHT! I keep looking at it to see if there is ANY way that this is bad for us, but I can't find it

Should I suggest her a way in which this is bad for them? nha...why spoil the fun :P

-DUDE, any way WE WIN

Uhm,interesting...this reminds me of an old saying we had in the jate fandom: Either way,skate is screwed. LMAO!

-Let me explain something to you lurking bubbles(jaters) your ship will never have the lighting, chemistry or electricity of Skate scenes, so thus you will NEVER get a scene close to the intensity of the ones I just posted.

let her EXPLAIN something to us,poor bubbleheads YO!
lighting, serve proprio un ELETTRICISTA!
(quella dell'intensity non la commento neanche,lolz)

-The suliet fans are so delusional it hurts. They actually think that Juliet will be the mother of Jack's son and then go on to date Sawyer? Are they watching the same version of lost as we are?

No,they are watching LOST. You're watching the imaginary version.

(remember all the skate intimate moment/kate BILY/sawyer unconscious stuff?)

-OMG I'm guessing if Kate sees Sawyer unconscious maybe she'll pray Jack to help Sawyer, best scene ever : Please Jack I love him OMG this could be AWESOME

Oh it WAS awesome...for us! :D

-I'm genuinely excited for tonight and not just because of potential SKATE, seems like this one is going to be crazy.

-I predict this will be our longest episode thread this season and we'll be speechless when it's over

BWAHAHAHAHAH! oh Cactus,you WILL be speachless,YES! XD

- It will be the perfect opportunity for Kate to show Jack how much she loves James Ford

uh uh,uh uh,wait for it

-So when does Kate say BILH?


-It is definitely Sawyer, don't worry about that. I am sure that the scene will be emotional and powerful. The only thing I worry is that the writers will kill them all, meaning both Sawyer and Kate. I have to admit, that does not sit well in my mind, but what can we do?

Mh,let's indeed was emotional and powerful,for jate. No,Kate did not say bily to Sawyer. Tbtp killed almost all except of skate. No they STILL didn't end up together.Good prediction dear!

-Oh it clearly referrs to Sawyer, no doubt at all. Jate is dead, what's done is done with those two. Where Jaters find their inspiration is beyond me.

Mh,good question. I'll be sure to ask you the same question when I see you around. Oh wait,you're prolly not around anymore XD


-so "I couldn't find you" is the new "I love you"????

no,you'll have to wait for the finale for that. No worries,it's just 2 episodes away!

-You didn't win any shit because the last thing I know is that "I couldn't find you" doesn't mean I LOVE YOU


Aw,you like to say stuff that kicks you right back in yo ass uh?
who's the moron now? ;D

-So, what is going on with Kate and Sawyer? At the end, she ran to Jack crying saying she was worried that she couldn't find him. She didn't seem that concerned about Sawyer lying unconcious.

it was because:
(1) Just got shot in the shoulder.
(2) Presumably, Sawyer would be with Jack. And Jin and Sun, but of course that didn't happen.
(3) Blood loss.
(4) Just swam from a wrecking submarine.
(5) Jack's the doctor.
I'd think of more, but I'm kinda tired.

She'd think of more insanity...but she's kinda tired,you know

-I hate what they've done to Sawyer and Kate and in particular, Sawyer. First they had to kind of trash the iconic cage scene

ZOMG! how could they ruin the ICONIC cage scene O.O

-No way is Jack/Kate happening...they had their shot and they're not getting another.

uh uh. If you say so...

-Sawyer is lying unconscious on the ground but Kate doesn't even notice him and is saying to Jack with a super emotional, relieved voice that she couldn't find him. If that's not telling enough about who she's choosing and loving, then I don't know what is.

-This wasn't the first time this season the writers put her even physically in front of both of them and made her 'choose' - she clearly chose Jack on both occasions.

Ladies&Gentlemen,one braincell found.

-Right now I think Jack and Kate will get a very romantic but tragic ending on the island, but will be rewarded with a happy ending in the alt.


-Sawyer about the cages:
'I'm not going back in there.' We get it writers. Skate's not happening. No need to shit on their best moments. You could've left us at least that.

Nha,it's more fun this way!

-She picked Jack ? Why, because she said 'I couldn't find you' (which could have been plural) or because of the half hug thing ?

both? and for at least another million of reasons.

-When Sulieters and Jaters see that they are losing debate, they always start with insulting people

bwahahaha! this is one for the ages!

11 commenti:

Celia ha detto...

Reading this stuff now that Jate is endgame is AMAZING!

But I really do wonder what show they have been watching, I genuinely wonder. Like, what did they have in the last 2 seasons ? Cassidy putting her freudian crap on Kate ? Epic confirmation right there lol.

Anyway :

-Like I have said before, Jate fans are like the retarded cousin of Lost fandom

Well, now Skaters are the dead ancester, I guess

LMAO at them actually insulting Evi and then saying we are the ones insulting people !

-Let me explain something to you lurking bubbles(jaters) your ship will never have the lighting, chemistry or electricity of Skate scenes, so thus you will NEVER get a scene close to the intensity of the ones I just posted.

I'll never stop laughing at the lighting comments, NEVER. I can't believe they seriously think it's a valid argument. By the way what scene did he/she post : the cage sex, the cage sex or ....the cage sex ?

They actually think that Juliet will be the mother of Jack's son and then go on to date Sawyer? Are they watching the same version of lost as we are?

I'm rolling here !

-so "I couldn't find you" is the new "I love you"????

I don't know .... Is "'we'll figure it out together"(talking about finding Claire)the new "I love you" ?

it was because:
(1) Just got shot in the shoulder.
(2) Presumably, Sawyer would be with Jack. And Jin and Sun, but of course that didn't happen.
(3) Blood loss.
(4) Just swam from a wrecking submarine.
(5) Jack's the doctor.

Actually the real reason is that Jack comes before Sawyer in the alphabet. I love that the reason they had to come up with stupid theories is because they KNEW it was important.

Anyway thanks so much for that, can't wait for part 2!

Unknown ha detto...

Ah perchè è evidente che siamo NOI Jaters ad insultare quando non abbiamo ragione [assunto sbagliato in partenza, perchè sai com'è... alla fine noi abbiamo sempre ragione LOL] mentre loro nooo, hanno solo insultato Evi perchè in nome del cielo come ha mai potuto non dire che è Skate for ever & ever e guardare il Big Picture? Roba da pazzi, ma vabbè, è evidente che sia stata corrotta/plagiata dalla solita Franci [cattiva Franci, cattiva!]

Ma i commenti pre & post The Candidate sono la fine del mondo, la cosa bella è che cercavano i motivi più assurdi pur di non ammettere che Kate ha semplicemente SCELTO Jack (da sempre tra l'altro) perchè AMA lui.
Difficile eh?
Che poi la cosa che più amo delle Skaters è il loro essere cooosì obiettive e superpartes.
Prima a farsi pippe mentali sulla scena Skate che sarebbe stata epica e meravigliosa, poi di fatto la scena c'è MA tra Jack e Kate e diventa una scena irrilevante e si arrampicano sugli specchi (o su superfici più lisce se mai esistessero) pur di non ammetterlo.
Very funny!

Ma sul serio che show hanno seguito?
Fortunatamente qualcuna intelligente c'è, vuol dire chiaramente che il resto son solo delusional morons (tanto per ricambiarle di qualche delizioso epiteto)

Stefy ha detto...

Oddio ahahahhahaahhaahh queste perle mi fanno venire il buon umore!
Hanno passato sei anni a sparare cazzate?E ora passeranno il resto della vita a rosicare!!!!!!
Se lo meritano per la loro maleducazione,per la loro presunzione,per gli insulti a gente sicuramente più intelligente ed educata di loro e per un altro mucchio di motivi!
Così imparano!Contenta se qualcuna vede la luce ma il resto è solo una setta di fulminati visto che si vantavano di essere gli unici illuminati ad aver visto la vera direzione dello show ma invece se non si usano gli occhi per guardare ma gli ormoni si rischia di prendere cantonate...e che cantonate XD

Un piccolo aiutino per le dopo sei anni avete passato 3/4 del tempo a togliere significato alle scene Jate e 1/4 a pompare le piccole scene Skate,qualcosa vorrà pur dire...rifletteteci!

eli ha detto...

la mejo è quella su evi!! in mezzo ai mille insulti c'è quello dove lei impara tutto dai grafici fatti dalla Franci!!!

LAURA ha detto...

La loro incapacità di comunicare senza offendere e senza arroganza e presunzione mi ha lasciata di stucco un sacco di volte in questi anni, così non fanno altro che confermare che hanno meritato tutto quello che hanno avuto. Mi dispiace per quell'1% che è sempre stato educato ma per gli altri mi faccio delle grasse risate alla faccia loro dal 24 Maggio!
Franci, mannaggia a te hai manipolato anche la mente di Evi!!! ^___^

"the lighting, chemistry or electricity"
Eh sì... fa ridere come tutte queste cose vanno a incastrarsi perfettamente nella reunion tra sawyer e juliet! ^_^

Anonimo ha detto...

Trovare mille scuse ma mai ammettere di essere nel torto: prima regola dello skate club!
Sono ridicole! Siamo noi che offendiamo??? Ma se quelle si permettono di offendere anche Evi che potrà anche avere un briciolo di cervello??? E invece no! Ma quanto sono sceme e quanto si sono meritate tutto quello che hanno avuto! E' stato tutto direttamente proporzionale!
E cmq Franci smettila di irretire Evi! Non se ne può più! lol

Francesca ha detto...

Yes,it was me again,I made the charts...Evi learnt from them. Pft pft. I told ya,I've got DA POWAAAH.

[cattiva Franci, cattiva!]

Mea Culpa.Fa sempre tutto parte del mio evil plan,prima sabotare le opinioni degli attori con subdoli trucchetti e fake charts,poi corrompere direttamente gli autori con cospique mazzette(visto che nn ricca) e infine,andare alle Hawaii per minacciare e opprimere la troupe!

I'll never stop laughing at the lighting comments, NEVER. I can't believe they seriously think it's a valid argument.

DA LIGHTINGGG! O.o that alone kinda shows the level of insanity,uh?

cinzia ha detto...

Oddio, con i tuoi commenti è ancora più esilarante. Non vedo l'ora di leggere la 2° parte. Mi raccomando non ti dimenticare quella sulle 5 lingue LMAO

E poi basta corrompere tutta sta gente solo per avere jate come endgame. Basta.

Francesca ha detto...

LOLOL, quello non mancherà di certo Cin!

Unknown ha detto...

Cioè vi prego io sto morendo LMAO

Le Skaters sono la barzelletta del fandom, una cosa vergognosa.

Insultano noi, le Sulieters, JK, SJ, Evi, Matt, Elisabeth, Josh, Darlton insomma chiunque non la pensi come loro.

Stella ha detto...


Comunque bisognerebbe mettere anche tutte le loro uscite sul fatto che Josh Holloway e Elizabeth Mitchell sono i primi fan Skater in assoluto.. XD

Ah quante cazzate ho letto... Imiei poveri occhi.