Qualche piccola nuova dichiarazione di Damon&Compagno. Giusto x farsi due risate.
"We got to a point,
seven episodes into the third season, where the show reached the point where we all knew it was treading in
an area of complete and utter suckiness" Lindelof said. "Is that even a word? I don't know - but
I do know we were in trouble."At that point, we had a decision to make. Are we going to have an end date, or is the show going to be cancelled in, like, a year or a year and a half? Basically, all these flash-forwards, all these idea we're working with now, are part of the story's end game.''
*scusate mentre mi piscio addosso dal ridere* Quindi,fatemi fare mente locale..uhm..prima Evi che parla di "shallow,and petty and crap" ora loro che parlano del miniarc( ovvero the skate fest) come "an area of complete and utter suckiness"..devo dire che lo skate sta collezionando una serie di aggettivi decisamente lusinghieri.
How did you choose the Oceanic Six?We basically looked at it as a very simple equation first, which is, "Who would want to leave the island, and who would not want to leave the island?" and that's what the whole season's about. Kate kind of waffles,
Sawyer doesn't want to leave the island, and leaps off the chopper when he has a chance to do so. He's perfectly fine where he is. And clearly someone like Juliet would want to leave the island, so we had to figure out geographically, where people would want to be, and present a lifeboat situation where Billy Zane's running around the Titanic with a gun, and it's whoever can get on the chopper in time.
Jack and Kate we had committed to, obviously, but when we talked about who the Six would be, we realized the majority of storytelling in season four would involve those people. But we were also setting things up for the ultimate endgame of the show which will hopefully reveal some more specificity about, "Why them?"obviously committed,ultimate endgame..
franci dice: bitch...please....