martedì 26 maggio 2009

Word Association Game

Guardate da 2:12 in poi. Indovinate un po' il primo nome che viene in mente a Carlton quando gli chiedono di Jack?

20 commenti:

Cinzia ha detto...

Ma siamo sicuri che è Damon quello Jater? Ultimamente è Carlton che ci parla di questi due.

laura ha detto...

E' vero cinzia, è da un pò che carlton sembra più jater di damon, che si siano scambiati i ruoli??
Comunque il giochetto va in automatico...

Francesca ha detto...

LOL! JacKate

sn quasi 1 parola unica! :-P

cinzia ha detto...

Si, sono come un'entità indistinguibile.

Claire ha detto...

Ahahah Francesca hai ragione!

Giuly ha detto...

Eh ma poi seguiva Jate - Fate :P

Roby ha detto...

...un inchino a carlton!!!! grande!!! ;)

cinzia ha detto...

Spitiro d'osservazione=0. Mica mi ero accorta che c'era il countdown qui accanto e che segna 237 giorni XD. Era meglio se continuavo a vivere nell'ignoranza. Quando dici 8 mesi sembra molto meno...

P.S. Franci gran bel post su LF. Penso che alla fine della S6 potresti cominciare a scrivere un libro d'analisi su questi due.

Francesca ha detto...

237.gha. voglio spararmi.


Oddio mi ci manca solo il libro su Jack&Kate XD guarda,se finisce "bene" e con bene intendo Jate,potrei anche pensarci! lol.magari qualcuno me lo compra!

any ha detto...

Frà io te lo compro!! :D

A proposito xkè nn fai un bel copia e incolla del tuo post su LF (a meno che nn sia in inglese...sigh!)
Mi piace molto leggere quello che scrivete tu e Cinzia su 'sti due!

any ha detto...

A proposito se Lost finisce "bene", come diceva Frà, allora mi compro tutti i cofanetti originali della serie altrimenti nada( x ora mi bastano quelli di zio Dan!)...;)

Francesca ha detto...

LOL,Any va che ti segno. Se lo scrivo,sei obbligata a comprarlo XD

il post è in inglese. un pezzo l'avevo gia scritto qui,te lo posto lo stesso,ma è piuttosto lungo ti avverto O___O

franci-che scrive post troppo lunghi ha detto...

You know,me and Ozge were talking about how we love that they keep reminding us how important the very first jate scene is,along with the count to 5 {dude,that count to 5 is painted on my freakin' wall. It's become Franci's mantra too} . There is a reason why, as jaters, we use the sewing kit as our symbol. That scene is the foundation of J&K's relationship.

I've been thinking about what Evi said in the latest podcast, about the I've always been with you being SUCH a significant line in the story of Kate and Jack. I think that,in the same way, the sewing up scene is the emblem of the unbreakable bond that Jack&Kate share and shows how much these two have influenced,and still influence each other,and also,how much their story,their own growing as characters and thus their redemption are intertwined. Season5 has been a season of estrangement for Jack&Kate,we barely had 3 good scenes,but what did it show,in the end? That their feelings are all still there and most importantly,this season showed without ANY doubt that where Jack is,Kate is soon to follow. She's always been with him and after all the misery happened between them,the finale told us that she still is,and always will be with him{...till the end of time}. Because he is Jack,and she's Kate. Where else would she want to be if not by his side?

This is what season5 set in stone reguarding J&K's relationship and bear with me guys,because it's one hell of a clue reguarding how this messed up poligon is gonna resolve itself. This is not some kind of Joey Potter choosing which guy she wants to take to the prom. This story is surely about love,but also about life&death situations,redemption and faith. Every member of this quadrangle love(d)each other at some point. This is quite not the point. Jack&Kate love each other,that much is obvious, we saw their happiness when they were together, and their misery when they were apart. If Jack could have something for himself,what he'd choose? you saw his pain talking about losing her. That something would be Kate. If Kate could choose one person in this world,who do you think she'd choose? you heard her,when faced to the possibility of changing time: "what about us?".
So yeah,these two love each other but it's not just that. A person can love different and many people in his/her life,but the kind of love Kate&Jack have,that kind of bond,that need,that cosmic connection that was already there when they didn't even know each other's names,that is once in a lifetime material. And it all comes down to that imo. How can you feel like that about someone but then love someone else? or better,I don't even get how could a bond like that not be defined as love. What is true love afterall?

In my opinion,you can't have those kind of feelings about someone and then being all "oh yeah,but the love of my life is actually that dude over there". oh,erm,well...really? I mean,seriously now.seriously.Kate did love Sawyer,I could even see a scene with them talking about it. Maybe it could have been something more..IF,IF many IFs. One of the biggest is IF Kate had never met Jack. I dunno about you,but I just can't picture a scene with Kate going "I pick you Sawyer. It's always been you. I love you more than anyone else in this world. But - - - see,the point is I'll neaver leave Jack. I'm with him always and 4evah. It's not like I love him,he is my buddy and we have this kind of unexplicable and cosmical bond that won't let me do anything without him and will make me follow him through hell and back but that,I can assure you, is TOTALLY NOT LOVE. I owe him some support because ...well I'm the lead female,the writers say so. So lemme go to him cuz we need to have some epic and ultimate scene together ,but keep in mind that I pick you.only youuuu *kisskiss*. I gotta go now tho because friendship > eternal love. Oh and say hi to Juliet!"

continua... ha detto...

Since that moment,8 minutes into the Pilot,Jack&Kate have been inseparable. Because they are not going anywhere without the other.
Being together is all that matters in the end. We use to say that Kate has sewed up a bit of herself on Jack,that day on the beach,
and it couldn't be truerer. This is the key,imo.

Jate's story, it's main purpose... romance isn't all they've got. And I don't think it's the most important feature they have or what ULTIMATELY will bring the quadrangle of DDD (doom,death and despair) to an end. Because damn, do J&K have romance, but mostly, they are soul mates. They had this intense connection right from the start and it's only escalated since. That is the key. Not the kissing,not the flirting. But the scenes that Matt and Evi deliver so beautifully time after time.The scenes that let it be known to the audience that these two will ALWAYS be with each other.The sewing up scene is,in that sense,the first yet ultimate scene. Romantically or not, these two are connected in a way that goes beyond logical thought. It just IS. They just ARE. "The incident" made it clear once again: Jack and Kate are written as the endgame. Not only because their soul mate is also the one they love with all their heart,but they are meant to be (thanks, Jack) on a level that surpasses the simple matter of love. Surpasses but obviously includes romantic love too.How could it even be any different? Their story,their feelings,their love are not just additional but INTEGRAL to the plot and mythology.It's THROUGH them that this story develops, it's through their struggles that we are brought into new levels of this journey,wether in the future, in the past, on or off the island. And every,single,time,even after the darkest of the hours, Jack&Kate find a common ground and take the next step together. Because it can't be any other way. Yan&Yang,one can't BE without the other.

Jack&Kate are THAT person for each other. Isn't this, what they call true love?
Kate would follow Jack to the end of the world ...Jack would go to the end of the world just if Kate is by his side.

I guess that this is the key to the whole thing. And it's been right in front of us since the very beginning.Whatever happens, when LOST fades to black for the very last time, Jack&Kate will be there together.Either in life or death. At least,that is the feeling you get when you watch them: that for these two, together is the way it's supposed to be.

cinzia ha detto...

Sono diventata addicted ai tuoi post. Riesci ad esprimere quello che tutte le jaters pensano ma che non riescono a dire.
Jack e Kate va al di là della semplice storia d'amore. E' legato alla mitologia, alla redenzione. In quel primo incontro è racchiusa l'essenza di Lost...e fortunatamente anche della loro storia. Per me quella cicatrice che lei gli ricuce rappresenta Kate. Un segno indelebile che non può essere cancellato, una "scar" che lui si porterà dietro per il resto dei suoi giorni.

Franci io lo compro il libro. Voglio anche l'autografo.

ale-la-pazza1 ha detto...

Franci,il libro ci sta tutto XD

any ha detto...

Grazie Frà!
No problem la lunghezza, piuttosto è l'inglese il limite x me...sigh!
Ma nn importa, me lo leggo con calma e x fortuna che ho google traslate!! ^_^

Roby ha detto...

franci ti leggerei per ore...
un altro libro è venduto... e voglio l'autografo anch'io!!!

hai davvero espresso l'essenza del jate... comprendo e confermo ogni singola parola ma non sarei mai riuscita a scrivere in quel modo...

*fragorosi applausi*

Francesca ha detto...

pure l'autografo XD

Giuly ha detto...

Eh la miseria Socia! Bellissimo!
Ma cmq è vero che Matthew verrà a Roma?